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Making Salt in Thailand , (87 images)
K. Pichai, a very good friend of us, invited Ragnhild and me to vistit his salt family business in April 2005. His home town called Kalhong is a small village located at the south west of Bangkok Bay. It has been the home for his familly and his brothers and sisters families for generations. They are all involved in the salt business during the dry season or the carpentry business during the wet season. The villiage is located about 45 km from Bangkok center. His son Wai and daughter Wan met us at his home. Later we took a walk to K. Ae's saltfarm, his brother. We met K. Ae under the burning sun where he showed us how to prepare and clean the sea water and dry it in the sun for days and weeks. The farm has been family property for years and is huge. Is is about 0,4 km wide times 5 kilometers long, from the shore all the way to the open sea. They get 800 Baht per 2,5 m3 in 2005. Difficult to get rich from this hard work..
Photo: Knut Øyvin Skaar - Bangkok
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