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NGC6946 Galaxy
The NGC6946 galaxy 1o MLY away between Cepheus and Cygnus is a spiral galaxy known to have had more than 10 Supernovas the last 100 years. As comparison, we believe the rate of Supernovas in the Milkyway is about 1-2 Supernovas every 100 year. But the last one was 400 years ago!
Image taken using AstroPhysics 1200 with Celestron C11 at f10, guided with Williams Optics APO 110 and NexImage video camera. 10 images of 10 min, ISO 1600.
Sepember 17 2011.
Link til bildet: https://skaarpictures.com/iGalerieAstro/?q=item/111-ngc6946-galaxy
Image taken using AstroPhysics 1200 with Celestron C11 at f10, guided with Williams Optics APO 110 and NexImage video camera. 10 images of 10 min, ISO 1600.
Sepember 17 2011.
Link til bildet: https://skaarpictures.com/iGalerieAstro/?q=item/111-ngc6946-galaxy
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Publiésert Fredag 12 august 2022
av admin
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